To Blog, Or Not to Blog........ when one isn't running

Blog? Yes? No? Maybe

So, it has been forever and a day since my last blog posting........ really don't have a great reason except that sometimes life throws curve balls. Over the last several days, I have thought about writing, but then...... I haven't even ran in the last week!!!! Yes, it has been an ENTIRE week since I last ran!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I have become that runner that gets so VERY jealous seeing other runners running when I pass by in my car or when looking at all the run photos on Instagram!!!!! Yes, I am having my own pity party at the moment!!!!!! Trying to be positive, but with each day of not running, I am becoming a little down. Just being honest.... and yes, I know that there are worse things in the world, and that this is not a "big" deal, but I neeeeeeeed running for life balance! So, "It's my (pity) party and, I will cry if I want to!" Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!

So, why no running? Well, last Sunday, I became so fatigued! Just worn out! My husband and I had did some major cleaning out clutter in the house and moved heavy furniture! I thought I was worn out from that... but then, things became clearer...... scratchy sore throat, head congestion, and fatigue........ yep, appeared I was getting a head cold! The week went by and symptoms worsened! Thursday, I threw in the towel and decided to get checked out. Received a steroid shot on Thursday and prescription for antibiotic to start if didn't improve. Well, Yesterday, Saturday, I gave in and started antibiotics since now the infection is in my chest! UGH!!! I am the worse patient ever! Anyway, I don't have any fun running stuff, but will blog about some happenings going on..................

Thanksgiving 5K

The annual Thanksgiving 5K took place on Thanksgiving day (of course)....... Last 5K that I ran.. It was a great day! Weather was actually pretty nice. I felt good. Thought I was on point with my Thanksgiving knee high socks (see below), but then there was the guy above in a FULL on Turkey suit!!!!!!! Hands down, he was the one on point that day!!! LOVED IT! :) 


Great weather or maybe the socks above put a little more pep in my step that led to a PR (personal record) ......... Yes, I PR'd at 23:42 (official time)- my garmin time was 23:43. I will take it!!!!! Slowly, but surely, I am chipping off the seconds!!! Running is definitely a sport that EVERY second counts!!!! 


All week long, my son had it planned out that he was going to bring his basketball and football to his grandma's house in order to play with his uncles! Below, Uncle Mark was a trooper throwing the football...... my son was so excited that he kept the basketball in one hand and was catching the football with the other hand!!! LOL! :D 

My husband was especially grateful..... usually, it is my son and him one on one with playing football and basketball.....which leaves my husband exhausted! LOL!!! Seriously, our son has two modes: ON and OFF! HA!HA! I would't want it any other way either! :)

Then,,,,,,, there was an INTENSE game of Jenga at our house.... Not to brag, but I am the Jenga Master currently..... yes, mommy has skills!! :D

My son was studying my husband's every move!! LOL!! 

Second of 3 skin cancers Removed

Wednesday, November 30TH, I had the 2nd  of the 3 skin cancers that I am having removed. Remember, I was feeling ill..... would have cancelled appointment, but there is a charge if you cancel within 24 hours of appt time...... but, my mother pulled through and drove me to my appointment. The dermatologist is located an hour and half from where I live, so, not a quick drive. 

These are the initial pics of the excision site on my back..... looks pretty awful, but it is amazing how the skin heals over a short time and the scars fade...... The body is an amazing piece of work....

Yes, my mom pulled through and drove me to my appointment...... the lobby was pretty full when we arrived. My mother said that she would simply wait in the car for me........ and, this is how I found her..... SOUND TO SLEEP!!!! Seriously, who does this except my mother? And, who has a pillow and blanket in the car? LOL! She is a nut! 

Oops!!!! Mommy forgot the Big Arrival!!! 

So, every December 1st, Elvis the Elf comes to visit our house..... with being under the weather, the last thing on my mind was the ELF!!! And, I did forget all about it until my son woke up on Thursday morning searching for the Elf...... luckily, Elvis did eventually arrive and had a hand written note apologizing for being late.... whew..... disaster fixed! 

Below, is my husband...... the next day, my son was having "Breakfast with Santa" and I needed to practice my camera I have a really nice camera, but I always seem to only snap pictures with my phone camera. However, I decided to brush the dust off the fancy camera and take some practice shots..... my son was asleep, therefore, my husband had to be the model! LOL!!! He rarely smiles for pictures, but I think my goofiness cracked  him up.... he actually is smiling in the photo!!! HA! 

Breakfast with Santa

Santa and Ben had a serious conversation...... Guitar is high on the wish list this year.... and wish list only consists of 2 things! 

There was fun activities as well.... like getting a fake tattoos :)

Showing off his Awesome Christmas tree tattoo

My son and a buddy from school made some yummy Reindeer Food!!!!!! 

When going home, we drove through the downtown area..... It is always decorated for Christmas! My son jumped into the Santa Sleigh! 

Below, my son and I took a selfie in the sleigh..... Make up is a wonderful thing.... I almost don't look sick...... but, believe me, I was feeling under the weather. Had to powder my nose prior to this picture, otherwise, I would look like Rudolph the Red nose Reindeer!!! Blowing my nose excessive has led to a red nose in deed! The morning festivities on Saturday wore me out, and I was in bed for most of the rest of the day.... ugh! But, no way was I going to miss Breakfast with Santa!!! NOPE! 

Here is a pretty amazing decorated tree in the downtown area!!! We will definitely have to drive through one night when it is dark and the Christmas lights on!!!

So, probably not one of my most interesting or informative blog postings................ hopefully, I can get back to feeling better, and I will have more running adventures or stories to tell :) Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!! Thanks to those that take time to support this little blogging adventure of mine. Thinking that by the first of the year, I need to vamp up my blog..... but, I am not the most tech savvy and will have to do some research! 



Exciting weekend? Any Holiday traditions? DO to hear!!!

ELF? Have one? This is my 3rd year running...... first year was so much fun and I had so many creative ideas... this year... I may be turning to Pinterest for ideas! :D

Ever been bummed about running? Ever taken an entire week off? Did it take forever to bounce back after a hiatus? 

Suggestions for this blog...... I really need to vamp it up.... open to ideas! 

Expectations: Sometimes things don't go as you thought..... in a good way

Better LATE than NEVER, Right?!

My, oh my, oh my!!!!!! I started this blog post a few weeks ago and TOTALLY forgot to post!!!!!  oops!!!!! That just goes to show how busy and crazy life has been..... crazy in a good way!!! So, this is late..... 

Pictured above are some FABULOUS running friends!!! This was at a 5k that is put on each year by my son's school.....but, I had to sit this one out. I had a skin cancer from the side of my head removed 2 days prior, and I didn't feel that  pushing and sweating that close out from the procedure was a great idea..... Hence the full on make up in the picture above!!! HA! HA! HA! :D 

None-the-less, it was GREAT fun!!!!! I got to do something that I never get to do.... and, that was to cheer on the runners as they came into the finish line!!!! Man, it is exciting to see the runners come in!!!! You can't help but cheer loudly for them!!! I had just as much fun cheering on the incoming runners as I do when I run!!!! And, to make it that much more exciting, most of my running friends had PRs!!!!!!! How cool is that?!?! 


Below, is my son toeing up at the start line of the 1 mile run..... can you tell by his face how excited he was?!!!! LOL!!!!! Well, let me tell you.... this face is not only screaming excitement, but a face that was eager to take on that 1 mile like none other!!! Oh yeah, inside that 7 year old head was a mission to run fast all the way to the finish line!!!!! Wish he had kinda let me in on that plan..... see..... NO! I was not going to let him run the 1 mile by himself...... yes, it may not be a long distance, but it is ran through neighborhoods with some turns.... and, YES, I am a helicopter mom.... I tend to hoover..... I mean, come on.... what if he got lost? What if he tripped and got injured? What if he went out too fast and then couldn't catch his breath? Yes... I can come up with a million things that could happen.... don't all moms? women? We are the over-thinkers, right?! Just our nature!!!!  

I should have known by his stance, that this was going to be a tough mile for me..... but, I honestly thought he would take out fast and then end up walking to where I could catch him..... I was planning on doing the sprint/walk, sprint/walk, sprint/walk all the way to the finish..... I didn't even warm up because I though I could run at a comfortable pace and he would walk to point I would catch him....... well, that did not happen!! NOPE!!!!!! About a quarter mile into the race, I could tell that he was going to run the entire thing!!! He was a good distance ahead of me and I knew that I had to increase pace to catch him!!!! Oh goodness, I kept thinking, her I go.... going to feel this tomorrow since I didn't warm up.... oh no, please don't let me injure myself....oh goodness, why oh why did I not warm up even a little?!!!! UGH!!! And, I took off!!!! Seriously, I was running at a pace that I NEVER do unless performing speed work!!!!!!!!! I couldn't catch the little guy!!!! I was literally chasing after my son!!!!! I saw a water station and for a brief moment just knew I would get a break because surely he would take advantage of the water station on course...... oh no!!! What was I thinking!!!!! He blew right by that water station..... people that I knew cheered me on saying, "GO MOM!!!" I said, "I am only trying to catch my son!!!" And, I could hear their laughter! ***SIGH***....... I did catch him........ and, I ran the last 0.3 mile along side of him..... I never got my garmin started at the beginning until half way through the mile run.... I only knew the pace we were running at the present time..... I was incredibly SHOCKED when on the time clock was 7:11 as my son crossed! HOLY CRAP!!!!! I had no idea he was capable of sustaining that pace for a mile!!! I guess soccer is making him one heck of a runner!!!! His 2 friends were right behind him too!!! Fast little kids!!!!! 

My son ended up being the 3rd runner to cross the line..... I knew he placed in his age group....but, he had no idea!!!! When they called his name, he said, "why did I get a medal, I was 3rd!" Then, I had to explain that he was first in his age group! He didn't really get that either..... but, then I said, "you were the 1st 7 year old to cross, and for that you got a medal!" He was like, "Oh!" ......... he was proud to have gotten a medal :):)

Following the run, there is always a carnival that takes place.... and, there is always have a rock wall that my son spends hours on!!!!! HIs goal is to make it all the way to the top! This year, he made it about 23 feet up and was 2 ft from the top.... he told me that he was sure that next year would be the year he makes it to the top!! LOL! 

These bubble things pictured below look like a BLAST!!! But, for a mom, these bubble things are simply a great deal of anxiety!!!! The kids bump each other and they roll all over the place.... sounds fun, right? NOT!!!! These are clearly made for bigger kids because my son and his friends kept falling out..... they would be upside down on their heads and other kids would continue to run and bump them..... All I could see was a disaster about to happen!!! A horrible injury sending a kid crying....the harness just simply did not fit kids of their size like the bigger kids..... this fun was short lived!!! Any longer and mommy was gonna need a drink!!! LOL! Just kidding!!! 

Yes, my son thought the bubble things were great!! UGH!! 

Again, sorry for the late posting of this blog!!! I really thought I had finished it and posted..... my bad!!! I will try better to be a little more current.... and, perhaps, post a bit more!!!! 


Happy Sunday folks!!!!! 


Anyone with kids that run local race? Ever just blown away by how they performed? 

ny fun activates at your children's school? Do tell... our school is always open to fun events! I may steal an idea! :)

Weekend of running.... Saturday 5k and Sunday Long Run on a new route


Ran into these fabulous folks at a 5k in the BIG town of Adel, Georgia! 

It is all about the t-shirt!!

Oh yes!!! It is all about the t-shirt, right?!!!!! I mean, come on, who else, but runners, pay money to run literally 30-60min for the benefit of receiving a t-shirt?!!! I mean we run on public roads that we could technically run for FREE!!! HA! HAHAHAHAHAHA! HA! :D

Anyway this 5K had an AWESOME t-shirt!!! Why, you ask?! Because it was LONG sleeve!!! Yes, I know, I as you will read below, I complained about the humidity, and it is clearly too hot to wear long sleeve at the moment, but come on!!!!!!! Long sleeve really makes you feel like you got your money's worth!!! LOL!!!! ;-)

5k Break Down

OK, the decision to run this 5k was so last minute!!!! In fact, it wasn't even on my training schedule! Also, I really wasn't even aware of it until a few days prior!!! Even missed the deadline to sign up on-line..... literally, I signed up the day of the event. This was the first time for this particular race.... 

It was so HUMID Saturday!!!!! Ok, not as humid as it had been in the dead middle of summer, but dang it, it was humid!!!!!!!!! And, I sooooooooo struggle with humidity!!! I can't help it!!! Getting hot just slows me down!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaa..... Ok, my whining fit is over! On to the 5k breakdown. 

Overall UNOFFICIAL time was 24:05; overall average pace 8:03

Mile 1- 7:28 (too fast for the humid weather, and actually probably too fast all together... definitely a flaw of mine...I go out way too fast!)

       Mile 2- 8:07 (I really didn't feel all that bad at this point.....even passed by a water station because I thought I could just push without the water being poured on my head to cool off! Not to mention that the water station was ALL the way across the road!!!!!! I was running tangents, and running across the road would have messed up my plan to make the course shorter.... LOL!!!!!!!!! ) 

       Mile 3- 8:29 (At exactly mile 2.75.... yeah, I know, I know..... so close to the end.... I gave up on the "push".... I was too hot!!!!!! I slowed a good bit.... I didn't care that the finish line was right around the corner!) 


It was an extremely small race! Literally, there couldn't have been more than 25 runners! But, it was well organized..... My friend Lisa snagged First in age group, and I some how managed second female.........


Sunday morning........ I met up with my friend Lisa in another town that is actually closer to my house than where I usually run on Sunday mornings.... she had told me about a trail that she has been running recently and asked me to join........

Below was our attempt to take a pre-run photo..... hey, we tried! :D

The trail is paved..... and parts of it shaded.... it was really nice..... most of the trail is wide and not like pictured in the photo below......

The weather was nice.... less humid today and there was a cool breeze... why can't weather co-operate on race days?!!! Whyyyyy?!!!!


11.06 miles at an average 10:21 pace

Mile 1- 11:13 (had to get all warmed up!)

Mile 2- 10:22

Mile 3- 10:26

Mile 4- 10:17

Mile 5- 10:10

Mile 6- 10:08

Mile 7- 10:15

Mile 8- 10:17

Mile 9- 10:08

Mile 10- 10:14

Mile 11- 10:23

THUMBS up because we were D-O-N-E!!!

Future Weatherman

So, where I live in South Georgia, we were out of harms way of Hurricane Matthew...... In fact, people that had to evacuate from other areas of Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina came to our area to seek shelter!!! Every where you went in town was soooooooooo crowded due to all the people!!!!

We did get wind though...... and, Friday after school, my son came out with his weather boots while I was un-loading the car and informed me that he was going to give me a weather report..... I have to say, he just might have a future as a meteorologist..... perhaps, the next Jim Cantore?!!! Maybe......

And, we spotted a Rainbow!!!!!!

My son said, "Quick! Get in the car, let's go find the end of the Rainbow!" He was disappointed that we couldn't find it! 

Hope you all had a GREAT weekend!!! Hope those in Hurricane Matthew's path were able to stay safe!!!!! 

Gotta run...... UNTIL LATER!!!!


How were your runs this weekend? Race? 

Any cool trails near where you live? Paved? Dirt?

Still humid in your neck of the woods? Or have you busted out gloves, long sleeves, etc? 

T-shirt? Important criteria for you when signing up for a race? 

Busy life lately.....Sunday= long run... there are great things going on and not so great things too

AHHHhhhhhhhh, Sunday! Longggggggg run day!!!!! Today on schedule....14 miles!!!!!!!! Honestly, after looking at the weather prior to leaving my house at 5am, I was't sure that I would make the entire 14 miles........ not to be a whiner.........but..... I WANT COOLER WEATHER!!!!!!!!! ANDDDDDD, I WANT IT NOWWWWWW!!!! LOL! :D

There was a slight breeze that started around mile 9 and that helped!

Anyway, 14 miles is made better with running friends! I met up with a running group at the early morning hours! We took our best effort to take a group picture.... we have some work to do on that!!! But hey, we are runners, not photographers!!! HA!HA! We even made a short good luck video for one of our own that is tackling an IRONMAN today!!! Yes, that is right, A FULL ENTIRE IRONMAN!!!! I can't even begin to wrap my brain around that!!!!! 

ong Run Breakdown

So, I did make the entire 14 miles.... in fact, I ended up running 14.17 miles at an average of a 10:39 pace. I know, kinda an odd number of miles to run, but this was needed in order for me to get back to my car... and after the, I was not running a step more!! NOPE! NO WAY!!! LOL!!!!! I did walk the track for a mile prior to getting in my car to leave. My long run pace as set by coach is 10:10-10:40, so, I was pretty much right there! I slowed down during the summer, and honestly, I am feeling the benefits.... I feel better, stronger, and my race times have improved!!!! This makes me less discouraged about my running.

Mile 1- 11:45

Mile 2- 10:33

Mile 3- 10:50

Mile 4- 10:26

Mile 5- 10:27

Mile 6- 10:39

Mile 7- 10:19

Mile 8- 10:44

Mile 9- 10:17

Mile 10 -10:04

Mile 11- 10:21

Mile 12- 10:41

Mile 13- 10:59

Mile 14- 11:00

Busy week!

Wednesdays are cub scout days.... I usually pick my son up at 5pm  from an after school program, and then we have exactly 1 hour to grab something to eat and get to the cub scout meeting. We live way too far to run home prior to meeting..... so, usually, Texas Roadhouse is where we end up! I am sure in this picture he was telling me about his day..... he is a character and LOVES to talk!!! I actually enjoy listening to him..... with my job, I talk all day long, so to sit and just listen as he jumps from subject to subject about his day, I get to relax a bit :)

He is all about the cub scouts!!! He takes pride in being a scout! He tries to do his best as it states in the scout code....... Plus, there are some great kids in scouts too! They always have fun! 

Below, is a picture from Saturday night at the Texas Roadhouse..... yes, it is pretty much the only restaurant that we eat at...... my two guys always pick the roadhouse!!! :)

On Thursday, it was time for my dermatology check up.... I was so dreading it because I knew of 3 lessons that were going to get biopsied! UGH! And, yes in deed, I did have those 3 sites biased along with 2 others biopsied!!!!! 5 total!!! UGH! I have a scar already to my upper right forehead area due to basal cell skin cancer! I am really concerned that the biopsied that I had in my hair line on Thursday is the same! Soooooooo, I will be dreading that call from the dermatologist office when the biopsy reports come back!!! ***SIGH*** My husband had 2 biopsies performed.... he has had squamous cell carcinoma on his neck..... that is worse than Basal cell! But, still not melanoma at least! Having pale skin, blue eyes, sunburn before age 20, and father with skin cancer.... I pretty much have every risk factor for some type of skin cancer. I have worn sun screen since age 26, however, the damage that I am dealing with is from years prior! SO, my PSA (public service announcement) is to get annual skin checks. And just because you have olive skin does't make you safe! I have 2 friends that have had melanoma and had an olive complexion which tanned easily! Oh, and wear sunscreen!!!

Also, on Thursday, my son started soccer!!! I was unable to take him to the first practice..... luckily, my dad (AKA Papa) took him! Andddd, an awesome mom of another player took some pictures of Ben and texted them to me!!!! I can'r even begin to express how much that meant to me!!!!!!! If I could have hugged her through the phone, I would have!!!

Ben was so very nervous about the first soccer practice......he has not played on an official team sport until now and he was afraid that he might not know all the rules or mess up! But, he had the best time ever!!! He can't stop talking about it!!!!! 

Well, That is my week in a nut shell..... some fun good stuff..... and then, not so fun stuff! Hope you guys had a great week!!!!! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!!!! Thanks for support of this blog and over looking typos..... I try to proof read, but honestly, sometimes I barely have time to type...... just like yesterday, I later found a typo, but too late to correct..... oops    :-/

UNTIL LATER.............................................

Fun week? Anything exciting? Those that have kids, what sports do they play?

Favorite place to eat? Do you go several times a month like us? Or, does your family like variety? 

Skin cancer? have a story to share? No fun at all! UGH!

Pink Everywhere! Fun 5K for a GREAT cause!!!

Today, there was PINK everywhere!!! Yes, girls and guys were PINKED out all in the support of Breast Cancer.... the name of the 5K was "Get A Mammy!" :)

Age group placement!!

My friend Lisa and I placed in our age groups! :) I was STOKED (not a word that I normally use, but fitting for today!) Yes, in deed, I was stoked! I ran the best time I have ran this summer....okay, yes.... some of you are thinking, but it is fall. Yes, I understand that the first day of fall was the other day, but.... let me tell you.... here in South Georgia, the weather is still SUMMER weather!!! 96-97% humidity!!!!!! And, humidity is no friend of mine, and I have battled it all summer!!! UGH!!! 

5k Breakdown

Okay, back to the run!!!  Unofficially, I ran 24:44!!!! Not an overall PR (personal record) for me... but, definitely the best 5K run I have had this summer..... however, it is a PR for this course! :) 

Mile 1- 7:37

Mile 2- 7:48 (usually, there is a water station at the half way mark, but, NOT AT THIS RACE!!!!! At mile 2, I came to the realization that there would be no water! In this humid weather, I get SUPER hot! And, when I get hot, I slow down.... I use the water stations at the 5Ks in the summer to splash on my face, neck, and pour on my head.... however, at mile 2 I told myself "Suck it up buttercup!"  

Mile 3- 8:35 (At 2.3 miles, I gave into the humidity.... It was hot! I slowed down......... but, I am overall very pleased with my performance! Especially, with the conditions today!!!

Running Peeps!!!

Below, are some of my favorite running peeps..... these people are what get me out of bed and run in this humid, hot as heck weather!!! 

The picture below is my friend Gina..... I am forever chasing her at the 5Ks....... One day, I hope to keep up with her :!

The two fellas below are also 2 others that I am forever chasing at the local 5Ks........ Usually, I keep my focus on them and keep looking ahead..... 

My friend, Arlene was there too!!!!! She brought her daughter which I wish I had gotten a picture of..... I think we have her daughter hooked, and she will sign up for future 5Ks...... Seriously, I don't know how anyone wouldn't hooked after crossing that finish line one time!!!!! Talk about feeling like a rock start.....people you don't even know cheering for you as if you are the first one crossing the finish line.... not to mention the feeling of accomplishment knowing that you made the distance!!!! These local 5Ks have walkers, joggers, runners.... it is all a GREAT time and EVERYONE completes the same distance of 3.2 miles!!! :D

Below are a couple co-workers and friends......... these ladies ROCK!

Managed to snagged a picture of my friends Kelly and Tammy.... :)

Below, is my friend Deborah....... So glad to catch her in time for this pic!!!! This race was great with so many running friends/peeps showing up!!! And, all for a great cause!!!!!! I think everyone either has someone they know, or someone that is close with them that have, or are battling breast cancer!!!!! 

The Men's Race

Each year, there is an event that follows the 5k..... it is for men.... men run in high heel shoes!!!!! The event is called, "A Mile in HER shoes!" Men literally run in high heels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Below, is a picture of all the men that participated this year! 

Anddddddd, of course, I videoed the race!!!!! Below, is the video of the men's race called "A Mile in HER shoes!" The men run in high heels shoes...... it is hilarious!!!! The men are such troopers.... and, some rock the high heel shoes.... seriously, these guys run in high heels better than I can walk in them.... HA! HA! :D

Some guys went all out.........

This guy was READY to smoke that "mile in her shoes!" I think this could be his signature stance.... you know, like how Bolt has his signature stance :):) This guided bolted and won, I believe. Bolt has nothing on this guy..... bet Bolt couldn't run in heels!!! HA! HA! :D

This pic was too hilarious not to share!!! LOVE IT!!! 


When I got home, I was greeted by my son..... he asked me how I did in the run.... I was telling him that mommy had a great run, and that I was really happy about my performance. He then said, "Great job" and in the next breath, requested an egg sandwich for breakfast.... LOL!!!!........ mommy duties..... HA! HA! 

Hope you all had a GREAT Saturday!!!!!! Gotta get to bed.... Long run tomorrow!!! 14 miles on schedule ...... Eeeek!!!!!! And, of course, the weather is expected to be humid!!!! ***SIGH***

UNTIL LATER!!!!!! Thanks for supporting my blog......


Run today? Training? Race? DO tell!!!!

Any fun races for a great cause in your area? I love that this race gets men out and run in high heels!!! So fun! 

Does humidity really slow you down? Ever been betting on a water station that never came?!!!!!!! 

Sunday=Long run day...... will the days ever get less humid?

Humidity - Not a friend of a Runner

UGH.....the heat and humidity continue in South Georgia!!! 96% at 6am this morning when our group started our long run....... Seriously, i PROMISE to NEVER complain about cooler/cold weather again!! PROMISE!!!! This humidity is ridiculous!!!!!!!

Around mile 9.5 I snapped this selfie...... little blurry since I didn't stop running... HA!:D

We had a pretty great running group this morning..... this is after a 10 mile loop! We were all spent!!! The humidity left us all hot and sweaty!!! Probably should have taken a picture prior to us actually running...LOL! Maybe next time.....

Run Break down

I started with a mile warm up at a 11:26 pace.... had to get the legs moving!!! At 5:45am, my legs just are not awake!!! Have to get them going!!!!! 

Anyway, my warm up mile was followed by 10mile run at an average 10:31 pace and the break down is as follows: 

Mile 1- 10:51

Mile 2- 10:38

Mile 3- 10:43

Mile 4- 10:26

Mile 5- 10:40

Mile 6- 10:21

Mile 7- 10:44

Mile 8- 10:06

Mile 9- 10:28

Mile 10- 10:03

I was cooling down at the track..... I always walk at least a mile or longer after my long run... seems to make legs from becoming so tight later...... and, I had a great surprise of running into my friend Hala!!!! This lady is always uplifting... has the kindest heart! In our busy lives, we don't always get to see friends as much as we would, moments like these are AWESOME! 

It was over a good week....... this was my first week back after being sick and taking a week off from running. I cut all my runs this week by 2 miles. Honestly, I just didn't want to exhaust myself. Will try to jump back on track with my training plan. 

I have a half marathon coming up at the end of October. I have been  debating back and forth about exactly how to run this half marathon. Do I run and do the best I can? Or, should I simply enjoy the experience, take pics along the course, and maybe even a video?...... decisions! I am running the Zooma Florida race which takes place at the beach!!!! It is catered to women..... Honestly, I think I really just want to "take it all in"....... plus, I was lucky enough to be a Zooma Ambassador this year and would love to document the race afterwards on my blog... that would mean needing to stop and take pictures/video along the course. I am really leaning toward this.... I think it would be neat to be able to go back and just document the entire experience! Also, I believe that it will be hot anyway.... and I don't run great in the heat anyway. Besides, as far as a PR for a Half, I really have my heart set on trying that in February at the Tallahassee Half marathon where I pr'd last year with a time of 1:56:42...... so why push this time? 

Speaking of Zooma- Come Run with ME!!!

Ladies, if you haven't grabbed your friends and signed up for Zooma Florida....... DO NOW!!!! The race is capped!!! Andddddddd, you can save 10% with the PROMO CODE: POLLYANNA16

Sun, beach, wine, massages, being around inspiring women, yoga, shopping, and much more...... don't miss out!!!!!! 

Happy Sunday Folks! Hope you have a great rest of the day!!!! UNTIL LATER......


Still humid in your neck of the woods? 

Ever ran a race for fun? just soak in the experience

10k fun, Visor falling off, talking tangents--smart? cheating?

Never know who you might see

So, I found out of a 10K that was taking place in an outside town named Moultrie, Georgia which is only about 20 min from my house!!!! I had 7 miles on the training schedule today; therefore, this was a no brainer...... I had to run it!!!!!! Crazy thing is that I ran into 4 other people from Valdosta!!! How cool is that?!!!!!! Lisa is the selfie Master.... I am never able to take a selfie of a group like this without using a selfie stick! She rocks! 

Below is my friend/co-worker Arlene..... we were both pretty excited about the 10K.... most local runs are 5ks..... so, it was nice to have a different distance to run. 

Below is a guy named Joe... he has ran over a 1000 races.... I forget the exact total. He is in his 70s and smokes the local 5KS and such.... 

Crowd at the finish line..... probably should have taken the photo from the front which would have included  the finish clock in the picture ..... yes, amateur blogger mistake... I am still learning!! Next time I won't forget! LOL! 

We Placed in our age groups! 

Breakdown of the 10K

Ok, like I said, I had 7 miles on the training schedule. Therefore, I decided that I would run a 1 mile warm up and then the 10k (6.2miles). I debated whether to "race" it or "up tempo" it. I just completed running my first week after being sick. I didn't think it to be wise to full force push race this 10k. Therefore, up tempo run it was. Also, I decided that I would walk through water stations on the course in order to pour water on my head and to take a quick sip......and, there were like 4 water stops!!!!!! So, I did walk 4 different times through the water stops. 

Breakdown: 6.17miles (I am going to discuss tangents!!! On of my other friends at 6.2 at finish on her watch) total time 54:19 which equals 8:48 average pace

Mile 1- 8:16

Mile 2- 8:43

Mile 3- 9:08 (walked a water stop and my sun visor flew off--had to stop run back and get it! :)

Mile 4-8:45

Mile 5- 9:07

Mile 6- 8:56

Yes, you read that right!!!! My sun visor flew off in mile 3 and I had to stop, turn around, pick it off the ground, and place back on my head!!!! :D 

Seems to be a problem of mine..... hats flying off!!!! I think I have them too loose on my head, but I can't stand anything tight on my head.... if you guys have been following this blog, you remember my marathon when my hat flew off at the end....... below is the youtube video if you missed it!!! I might need to tighten my hats/visors up!!! LOL! :D


Have you ever seen a water fountain like the one below?!!!!!!! It has a Water bottle fountain that fills your water bottle up in a snap!!!!!! My friend Arlene and I were beyond excited and amazed.... seriously, is this not the best thing on the planet?!!!! I think local parks should have these!!! It would prevent a runner from having to "water drop." I LOVE THIS!!!!!! I WANT TO SEE MORE OF THESE!!!!!!! I think I will write the city of Valdosta!! 

Below is a closer look of the fountain.... Again, THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER!!!!!!!!! THESE SHOULD BE EVERY WHERE!!!!!! 

No FUN being sick!

Let me tell you..... I am so thankful and happy to be feeling better!!! Yes, I am finally back to feeling like myself! Man...... haven't been this sick in a while. This respiratory infection took me out for an entire week!!! I even had to leave work early one day and missed the entire next day of work!!! You know I am sick if I don't make it to work. Another sign that I am sick is that I don't run.... and even more convincing is that I don't even say I miss running....... Yes, if I am sick enough... running and everything else goes!!! Luckily, that doesn't happen all too often! 

I am pretty sure that that I went through at least 5 full boxes of tissue!!!! How the body can make so much snot......I just don't know!!! Ok, maybe that was TMI (too much information) 

I skipped Monday's run......but, Tuesday I was feeling well enough to climb up on the treadmill in the early morning hours prior to getting ready for work!!! Oh yes, I was back!!!! 4 miles on a treadmill never felt more AMAZING!!!!! Seriously, for an entire week there was NO running!!! No working out!! NADA!!!!! All due to a respiratory infection! I decided Tuesday on a slowwww and steady run and I cut back the 6 miles on training plan to 4 miles. I am thankful that I was able to fully recover and get better! It is a blessing to have your health!!! Life has a way of giving you a reality check and slowing you down...... times like acute illness instantly puts things in life into perspective.... you become more thankful for the many blessings that you  can take for granted.... and you are reminded that there are some things you need to stop stressing and worrying about...... 

But hey, one thing about not running for an entire week was that I was able to do things that normally take a back seat..... I was able to go through thousands of emails and sent email has never been so cleaned out! I was able to gather and complete paperwork that needs to be submitted for my national certification! This was a major WIN!!! And..... I was able to take care of all my notifications on all the apps on my phone!!!! My phone screen has never looked like this in years!! HA! HA! HA! It is the small things that bring such great delight!!!! So, being sick wasn't completely a waste of time!!!!  :):)


OKAY...... I want to talk TANGENTS!!!!!! When watching the Olympics the announcers were making such a HUGE deal of Shalane Flanagan running tangents!!! Honestly, I didn't even really know about running tangents on courses until this was made into such a big deal. The announcers were debating about whether it was ok to run tangents and that Shalane was not covering the same distance as the other runners...... oh yes, I had to research this!!! 

Below is a picture of running tangents.......

In the article "The Basics: Running Tangents" posted by a guy named Dave on the 'Science-Based Running' web page at tangents are explained. (side note: that website link takes you to the site I found information-sorry, it does't take you to the exact article). Basically, as according to Dave, "Geometrically speaking, a "tangent" is a straight line that touches a curve but doesn't cross it." He goes on to say, "Running tangents is just a geeky way of saying 'running the shortest legal distance in a race'." 

I did this today!!! And, it worked!!! My total distance during the 10k was actually 6.17 when my friends watch read 6.2 when she finished!!!! So, I covered the course, but legally cut distance! Who knew?!!! How awesome is that?!!!! Cool, right?! yeah, yeah, I am showing my dorky/geeky math side..... but, It is a neat thing to know! I have ran courses before that I thought were missed marked because my gamin would be slightly under the distance for a 5K distance.... perhaps, I was running tangents then.....hmmmmm......

And NO!!! It is not cheating...... It is running SMART!! Race strategy on a course!!!! Shalane Flanagan showed her elite experience with running tangents while the pack ran all the corners.....SMART!!!

HEY LADIES-- Have you signed up for ZOOMA? 

I you haven't signed up for Zooma Florida, DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER!!!! Fun Girl's weekend! SAVE 10% with PROMO CODE: POLLYANNA16

GO to the Zooma web page to register!!!!!!!! 

Gotta run!! UNTIL LATER!!! Hope you are having a GREAT weekend!!!!!!!!! 


Run Tangents? Do you consider this "cheating" or "smart"?

Did you run today? Do tell!!!.....

Rules you follow when sick? Run? Rest? Run if sick from neck up? Don't run if sick from neck down? 

Quirky things that happen on race day? I can't seem to keep a sun visor or hat on my head! LOL!