Expectations: Sometimes things don't go as you thought..... in a good way

Better LATE than NEVER, Right?!

My, oh my, oh my!!!!!! I started this blog post a few weeks ago and TOTALLY forgot to post!!!!!  oops!!!!! That just goes to show how busy and crazy life has been..... crazy in a good way!!! So, this is late..... 

Pictured above are some FABULOUS running friends!!! This was at a 5k that is put on each year by my son's school.....but, I had to sit this one out. I had a skin cancer from the side of my head removed 2 days prior, and I didn't feel that  pushing and sweating that close out from the procedure was a great idea..... Hence the full on make up in the picture above!!! HA! HA! HA! :D 

None-the-less, it was GREAT fun!!!!! I got to do something that I never get to do.... and, that was to cheer on the runners as they came into the finish line!!!! Man, it is exciting to see the runners come in!!!! You can't help but cheer loudly for them!!! I had just as much fun cheering on the incoming runners as I do when I run!!!! And, to make it that much more exciting, most of my running friends had PRs!!!!!!! How cool is that?!?! 


Below, is my son toeing up at the start line of the 1 mile run..... can you tell by his face how excited he was?!!!! LOL!!!!! Well, let me tell you.... this face is not only screaming excitement, but a face that was eager to take on that 1 mile like none other!!! Oh yeah, inside that 7 year old head was a mission to run fast all the way to the finish line!!!!! Wish he had kinda let me in on that plan..... see..... NO! I was not going to let him run the 1 mile by himself...... yes, it may not be a long distance, but it is ran through neighborhoods with some turns.... and, YES, I am a helicopter mom.... I tend to hoover..... I mean, come on.... what if he got lost? What if he tripped and got injured? What if he went out too fast and then couldn't catch his breath? Yes... I can come up with a million things that could happen.... don't all moms? women? We are the over-thinkers, right?! Just our nature!!!!  

I should have known by his stance, that this was going to be a tough mile for me..... but, I honestly thought he would take out fast and then end up walking to where I could catch him..... I was planning on doing the sprint/walk, sprint/walk, sprint/walk all the way to the finish..... I didn't even warm up because I though I could run at a comfortable pace and he would walk to point I would catch him....... well, that did not happen!! NOPE!!!!!! About a quarter mile into the race, I could tell that he was going to run the entire thing!!! He was a good distance ahead of me and I knew that I had to increase pace to catch him!!!! Oh goodness, I kept thinking, her I go.... going to feel this tomorrow since I didn't warm up.... oh no, please don't let me injure myself....oh goodness, why oh why did I not warm up even a little?!!!! UGH!!! And, I took off!!!! Seriously, I was running at a pace that I NEVER do unless performing speed work!!!!!!!!! I couldn't catch the little guy!!!! I was literally chasing after my son!!!!! I saw a water station and for a brief moment just knew I would get a break because surely he would take advantage of the water station on course...... oh no!!! What was I thinking!!!!! He blew right by that water station..... people that I knew cheered me on saying, "GO MOM!!!" I said, "I am only trying to catch my son!!!" And, I could hear their laughter! ***SIGH***....... I did catch him........ and, I ran the last 0.3 mile along side of him..... I never got my garmin started at the beginning until half way through the mile run.... I only knew the pace we were running at the present time..... I was incredibly SHOCKED when on the time clock was 7:11 as my son crossed! HOLY CRAP!!!!! I had no idea he was capable of sustaining that pace for a mile!!! I guess soccer is making him one heck of a runner!!!! His 2 friends were right behind him too!!! Fast little kids!!!!! 

My son ended up being the 3rd runner to cross the line..... I knew he placed in his age group....but, he had no idea!!!! When they called his name, he said, "why did I get a medal, I was 3rd!" Then, I had to explain that he was first in his age group! He didn't really get that either..... but, then I said, "you were the 1st 7 year old to cross, and for that you got a medal!" He was like, "Oh!" ......... he was proud to have gotten a medal :):)

Following the run, there is always a carnival that takes place.... and, there is always have a rock wall that my son spends hours on!!!!! HIs goal is to make it all the way to the top! This year, he made it about 23 feet up and was 2 ft from the top.... he told me that he was sure that next year would be the year he makes it to the top!! LOL! 

These bubble things pictured below look like a BLAST!!! But, for a mom, these bubble things are simply a great deal of anxiety!!!! The kids bump each other and they roll all over the place.... sounds fun, right? NOT!!!! These are clearly made for bigger kids because my son and his friends kept falling out..... they would be upside down on their heads and other kids would continue to run and bump them..... All I could see was a disaster about to happen!!! A horrible injury sending a kid crying....the harness just simply did not fit kids of their size like the bigger kids..... this fun was short lived!!! Any longer and mommy was gonna need a drink!!! LOL! Just kidding!!! 

Yes, my son thought the bubble things were great!! UGH!! 

Again, sorry for the late posting of this blog!!! I really thought I had finished it and posted..... my bad!!! I will try better to be a little more current.... and, perhaps, post a bit more!!!! 


Happy Sunday folks!!!!! 


Anyone with kids that run local race? Ever just blown away by how they performed? 

ny fun activates at your children's school? Do tell... our school is always open to fun events! I may steal an idea! :)