Pink Everywhere! Fun 5K for a GREAT cause!!!

Today, there was PINK everywhere!!! Yes, girls and guys were PINKED out all in the support of Breast Cancer.... the name of the 5K was "Get A Mammy!" :)

Age group placement!!

My friend Lisa and I placed in our age groups! :) I was STOKED (not a word that I normally use, but fitting for today!) Yes, in deed, I was stoked! I ran the best time I have ran this summer....okay, yes.... some of you are thinking, but it is fall. Yes, I understand that the first day of fall was the other day, but.... let me tell you.... here in South Georgia, the weather is still SUMMER weather!!! 96-97% humidity!!!!!! And, humidity is no friend of mine, and I have battled it all summer!!! UGH!!! 

5k Breakdown

Okay, back to the run!!!  Unofficially, I ran 24:44!!!! Not an overall PR (personal record) for me... but, definitely the best 5K run I have had this summer..... however, it is a PR for this course! :) 

Mile 1- 7:37

Mile 2- 7:48 (usually, there is a water station at the half way mark, but, NOT AT THIS RACE!!!!! At mile 2, I came to the realization that there would be no water! In this humid weather, I get SUPER hot! And, when I get hot, I slow down.... I use the water stations at the 5Ks in the summer to splash on my face, neck, and pour on my head.... however, at mile 2 I told myself "Suck it up buttercup!"  

Mile 3- 8:35 (At 2.3 miles, I gave into the humidity.... It was hot! I slowed down......... but, I am overall very pleased with my performance! Especially, with the conditions today!!!

Running Peeps!!!

Below, are some of my favorite running peeps..... these people are what get me out of bed and run in this humid, hot as heck weather!!! 

The picture below is my friend Gina..... I am forever chasing her at the 5Ks....... One day, I hope to keep up with her :!

The two fellas below are also 2 others that I am forever chasing at the local 5Ks........ Usually, I keep my focus on them and keep looking ahead..... 

My friend, Arlene was there too!!!!! She brought her daughter which I wish I had gotten a picture of..... I think we have her daughter hooked, and she will sign up for future 5Ks...... Seriously, I don't know how anyone wouldn't hooked after crossing that finish line one time!!!!! Talk about feeling like a rock start.....people you don't even know cheering for you as if you are the first one crossing the finish line.... not to mention the feeling of accomplishment knowing that you made the distance!!!! These local 5Ks have walkers, joggers, runners.... it is all a GREAT time and EVERYONE completes the same distance of 3.2 miles!!! :D

Below are a couple co-workers and friends......... these ladies ROCK!

Managed to snagged a picture of my friends Kelly and Tammy.... :)

Below, is my friend Deborah....... So glad to catch her in time for this pic!!!! This race was great with so many running friends/peeps showing up!!! And, all for a great cause!!!!!! I think everyone either has someone they know, or someone that is close with them that have, or are battling breast cancer!!!!! 

The Men's Race

Each year, there is an event that follows the 5k..... it is for men.... men run in high heel shoes!!!!! The event is called, "A Mile in HER shoes!" Men literally run in high heels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Below, is a picture of all the men that participated this year! 

Anddddddd, of course, I videoed the race!!!!! Below, is the video of the men's race called "A Mile in HER shoes!" The men run in high heels shoes...... it is hilarious!!!! The men are such troopers.... and, some rock the high heel shoes.... seriously, these guys run in high heels better than I can walk in them.... HA! HA! :D

Some guys went all out.........

This guy was READY to smoke that "mile in her shoes!" I think this could be his signature stance.... you know, like how Bolt has his signature stance :):) This guided bolted and won, I believe. Bolt has nothing on this guy..... bet Bolt couldn't run in heels!!! HA! HA! :D

This pic was too hilarious not to share!!! LOVE IT!!! 


When I got home, I was greeted by my son..... he asked me how I did in the run.... I was telling him that mommy had a great run, and that I was really happy about my performance. He then said, "Great job" and in the next breath, requested an egg sandwich for breakfast.... LOL!!!!........ mommy duties..... HA! HA! 

Hope you all had a GREAT Saturday!!!!!! Gotta get to bed.... Long run tomorrow!!! 14 miles on schedule ...... Eeeek!!!!!! And, of course, the weather is expected to be humid!!!! ***SIGH***

UNTIL LATER!!!!!! Thanks for supporting my blog......


Run today? Training? Race? DO tell!!!!

Any fun races for a great cause in your area? I love that this race gets men out and run in high heels!!! So fun! 

Does humidity really slow you down? Ever been betting on a water station that never came?!!!!!!!