4 seconds…. makes a world of difference in running

First of all….. your girl is back!!!!!! After almost 3 years!!!!! Honestly, life happened…… I was doing all I could to keep my head above water. I am still treading water….. but, I am slowly getting closer to land…… anyway, I am baaacccckkkkk!!!!! May only start with weekly post, but hope to develop this blog into so much more……


Ok, so…. Although I had to adjust priorities in my life …. causing the blog to drop off … running stayed at the top of my priority list!!!! Seriously, if it weren’t for running, I would have drowned in life. I have stuck to training despite all races cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. My thought process was… stay disciplined and consistent because sooner or later, races will be back!!!

Today, I raced my first 5k in over a year!!!!!! I have recently ran some 5ks, but not raced them. My stomach had butterflies galore….. I had no idea where my fitness was. I had no idea of how to approach the 5k…. in my head, I kept telling myself don’t start out too fast….. stay controlled…. but then, what pace would be a controlled pace? I had no idea…… then, I thought, just go out….. settled into a pushed, but comfortable pace. Literally, the first mile was my brain taking a check of my breathing and my legs……. I felt pretty good the first mile. The first mile is flat to downhill…… which lead me to run a 6:44:8 pace……. Then, there is a steady climb up the second mile….. consequently, my pace slowed a bit to 7:08:2… the third mile ends with a steady elevation….. all I could muster was a 7:18:3. I seriously tried to pick up the pace….. the more I swung my arms and tried to run faster, the more I felt like I was in slow motion running on soft sand at the beach!!!!! I ended up with a time of 22:02….. FOUR seconds off of my 5k PR!!!!! 4 seconds!!!!!! In running…. it is amazing how much a second means a world of difference ….. one second, and you can either PR or not PR! In my case….. it was 4 seconds!!! However, I will say, my time today is a PR for this course!!!! So, that is a plus!!!


Anyway…… I am pleased….. it felt good to attend an in person race….. and, it was good to “test” my fitness condition. Seeing familiar faces at the 5k made life seem almost back to normal. Life almost like it was before COVID 19!!! It was a great start of this Saturday!

This post is short, but more to come. More to come about running, training, nutrition, maybe I will even throw in some girly beauty stuff (fellas may be interested too), and more about what is going on in my little world… so good to be back!!!! As always, I appreciate each and everyone of you who subscribe to this blog, follow my Facebook page, or my Instagram page…. You help motivate me to continue. I hope to re-vamp this blog to be a little more than it had been….. but, I will have to learn as I go to apply the changes I would like to do… so, stay tuned! And, please….. please leave comments… good or bad… what topics you would like for me to cover…. I would appreciate any feedback…

Have a great day!!!!!! Xo